Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Trading di Marketiva.com Via Handphone

Marketiva sekarang sudah bisa dijalankan dengan menggunakan Handphone.

Untuk sementara ini Marketiva mendukung handphone dengan sistem operasi Windows Mobile 2003 keatas. Untuk type handphone lain seperti nokia dengan OS symbian, atau PDA dengan OS linux, android, IPhone belum didukung, tapi bisa diprogram sendiri dengan memanfaatkan Streamster API.

Streamster API merupakan antarmuka program aplikasi Marketiva yang sederhana namun powerful untuk mengakses layanan marketiva melalui protokol standar industri SOAP, yang secara luas didukung oleh hampir semua platform pemrograman, termasuk PHP, Visual Basic, C#, C++, Java, serta banyak lagi bahasa pemograman dan platform yang lain. Tidak diperlukan untuk menginstall software tambahan karena layanan SOAP telah terpasang di Novativa Streamster. Anda hanya perlu log on ke account anda dan klik tombol . Pada tab [Advanced], aktifkan pilihan [Enable web service API] kemudian klik . Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Streamster API, tata cara, struktur dan contoh kode, silakan lihat di halaman http://www.marketiva.com/index.ncre?page=api

Inilah versi aslinya : (link dari www.marketiva.com)

Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal
Personal Mobile Terminal is a trading tool that consists of a Personal Mobile Terminal Server running on personal computer with Streamster and a Mobile Terminal running on mobile operating system, this trading tool lets you check your positions and orders, and monitor prices through a mobile device.
NOTE: Streamster has to be running and the Web Service API has to be enabled while you use Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal trading tool. It is necessary to subscribe to all columns for orders and positions.
Download Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal Server (1.0.1) for Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
Download Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal (1.0.1) for Pocket PC 2003 SE / Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC or above
Download Marketiva Personal Mobile Terminal (1.0.0) for Smartphone with Windows Mobile 5.0 or above

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Keunggulan Trading di Marketiva.Com

  • DIBERI MODAL GRATIS $5 USD, Langsung Masuk ke Account Anda!
    Selagi broker lain mensyaratkan deposit dengan jumlah tertentu untukmemulai bisnis valas, marketiva justru membagi bagikan modal secara cuma cuma kepada seluruh pendaftar uang tunai senilai $5. Modal gratis ini bisa anda tarik beserta keuntungan yang anda dapatkan, syaratnya sudah bisa membayar fee penarikan (saat artikel ini ditulis sebesar USD 7, sekali bayar pada penarikan yang pertama saja). Anda bisa kembangkan modal gratisan tersebut sebanyak yang anda mau, bisa anda kembangkan jadi $10, $100, $1000 atau lebih maka anda bisa tarik semua uang itu. Ini fakta dan sudah banyak yang berhasil.

  • Proses pendaftaran yang cepat.
    Mendaftarkan diri di suatu platform trading untuk bermain valas tidak pernah semudah ini, di marketiva kurang dari 3 menit mengisi formulir pendaftaran maka anda akan sudah bisa langsung trading. Cukup daftar, download softwarenya, install, dan login untuk langsung bertransaksi.

    Saat ini www.marketiva.com adalah broker yang memberikan support terbaik kepada para pelanggannya dengan banyak bahasa yang disediakan, ada Rumania, Hungaria, Italia, Russia, English, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Spanyol, Portugis dan lain lain. Disediakan juga saluran percakapan atau channel chatting untuk berdiskusi mengenai layanan marketiva, dan juga saluran chatting untuk berdiskusi dengan seluruh trader di dunia. Banyak trader baru bergabung di marketiva.com, yang  masih sangat awam dengan dunia forex, tapi dengan adanya channel chatting ini mereka merasa sangat banyak terbantu. Para trader ini bisa berguru dengan master master trader dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Thanks tomarketiva yang telah memberikan pelatihan forex gratis! Tidak cuma pelatihan forex gratis, tapi belajar untuk berbahasa Inggris dengan gratis saat anda chatting dengan tim support marketiva yang handal menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Sungguh manfaat yang besar dan berlipat ganda!

  • Pengiriman dokumen mudah & verifikasi sangat cepat.
    Di marketiva, anda cukup scan kartu identitas resmi yang direleased oleh pemerintah seperti SIM, KTP, Passport, dan upload. Tunggu 2-3 menit maka dokumen anda sudah akan diverifikasi oleh pihak marketiva.com. Kebanyakan broker lain akan mensyaratkan pengiriman dokumen harus melalui pos (snailmail), ini tentu saja merepotkan anda untuk pergi ke kantor pos dan mengeluarkan biaya untuk pengiriman berkas dokumen anda.

  • Tidak dikenakan biaya apapun pada setiap transaksi.
    Ini adalah fakta!  Anda tidak akan dibebani biaya apapun pada saat melakukan entry order maupun exit order. Sementara kebanyakan broker mengenakan biaya transaksi pada setiap trading anda, baik anda menang maupun kalah anda akan dikenakan biaya yang digunakan untuk membayar komisi broker.

  • Spread yang rendah, mulai dari 2 pip.
    Spread yang rendah sangat menentukan keuntungan anda dalam bermain forex. Terlebih bagi anda yang sering menutup posisi dalam satu hari (Intraday Trading), anda hanya bisa untung kalau spreadnya rendah. Dewasa ini masih bisa kita temukan broker yang mengenakan spread sebesar 10 pip untuk mata uang EUR/USD, Pastinya ini akan banyak merugikan anda sebagai Trader, Pikirkan masak masak!

  • Tidak ada Bunga dan Biaya Menginap.
    Sebagian besar broker mengenakan biaya menginap pada posisi yang tidak ditutup dalam satu hari, hal ini lama lama akan mengurangi modal trading dan menjadi beban anda para Trader, terutama bagi trader yang memiliki strategi membiarkan posisinya terbuka dalam waktu yang lama. Bila anda trading valas di marktiva tidak diberikan bunga, sehingga tidak bertentangan dengan hukum islam mengenai riba. Hal ini berlaku untuk seluruh account di Marketiva, jadi anda tidak perlu melakukan permintaan khusus seperti di broker broker lain.

  • Sistem kuantiti (Quantity) yang fleksibel.
    Maketiva menggunakan sistem quantity atau kuantitas dalam bertransaksi. 1 kuantitas bernilai satu sen, dan anda bisa trading dengan kuantity 1. Jadi saya bisa bertransaksi hanya dengan posisi 1 sen di Marketiva? Tepat sekali! Jadi anda tidak perlu pusing memikirkan sistem Lot di makertiva. Untuk trading dengan 1 USD maka cukup tulis kuantity 100, untuk trading dengan 100 USD maka tulis 10,000 kuantitas, begitu seterusnya.

  • Cara deposit yang mudah dan beragam pilihan.
    Marketiva menyediakan banyak cara untuk anda mengirimkan uang deposit. Ada transfer antar bank, dan juga transfer uang menggunakan mata uang digital seperti Libertyreserve LR, Webmoney WMZ, dan E-Dinar. Untuk pemilihan cara deposit ini selengkapnya bisa anda baca di segmen Cara Deposit dan Withdrawal.

  • Cara penarikan dana yang aman dan nyaman.
    Anda bisa tidur tenang karena di Marketiva diberlakukan aturan penarikan dana hanya bisa dilakukan ke rekening yang pernah digunakan untuk deposit sebelumnya (kecuali anda belum pernah deposit kemudian untung banyak dari modal gratisan, maka bisa tarik uang menggunakan semua cara yang disediakan). Jadi anda tidak perlu kuatir uang anda ditarik oleh orang yang tidak berhak, karena pasti akan ditolak apabila nomor yang digunakan tidak sama dengan nomor yang dipakai untuk deposit.

  • Marketiva Bukan Penipu, Scam atau Scammer. Jumlah Marketiva trader sudah mencapai 800.000 orang sampai tahun 2010 ini, artinya marketiva merupakan BROKER PALING POPULER DI DUNIA, karena Marketiva menjalankan bisnisnya dengan jujur danSETIAP WITHDRAWAL DI MARKETIVA PASTI AKAN DILAYANI DAN MENDAPAT RESPEK TERTINGGI DARI PIHAK MARKETIVA.  [With more than 800,000 serviced users, 450,000 unique and live trading accounts, and more than 3.8 million live orders executed each month, Marketiva is one of the most popular over-the-counter market makers in the world!] .

  • Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

    CityVille Walkthrough

    CityVille Walkthrough


    City Ville walkthrough is a good guide that will help those players who are looking for CityVille tips, CityVille tricks, CityVille Cheats, CityVille hack, CityVille hints and CityVille Strategy. Just take some time reading and understanding this walk through so that you will lessen some common mistakes in starting your city. In any game you play, it is a must that you really understand the whole concept revolving a certain game, walkthroughs were made for all players so as to be guided throughout the game. Hope this CityVille walkthru can add some valuable insights about the game. Have a good time as you walk thru the game.

    This really a very detailed City Ville walkthrough which is divided into 24 parts:

    1. Getting Started

    • CityVille can be played at Facebook by clicking on the link at the top of this page.
    • You must have an active Facebook account to play. If you don't have one you can sign up for a free account here - http://www.facebook.com
    • You will be prompted to give your email address and permission to post messages related to your game on your Facebook profile. Click on "Allow All" when prompted as Zynga can send you emails when there are special game update announcements or contests.
    • You will first be prompted to give your City a Name and as you play the game will be allowed to name all of the businesses as well.
    • You will be introduced to the game's Tutorial Character "Samantha" who is also listed in your Neighbor list at the bottom of the screen. Tap on her icon then on "Visit" and you can see what a level 20 game screen has available. You will be rewarded for visiting this computer neighbor once every 24 hours (100 Coins, 3 Energy, and 1 XP) and can do 5 tasks to earn extra income, energy, XP, and goods just like any other Neighbor.
    • You will start the game with 7,000 Gold Coins and 5 CityVille Bucks as seed money. You will also have a maximum of 12 Energy and this will regenerate by 1 every 3 minutes and each time you level up in the game the maximum amount of energy you can earn is increased by 1 and you will earn 1 Free CityVille Buck and unlock various items in the shop and free gifts you can send to Neighbors.
    • Neighbors are critical to success in the game and many levels require you to have a certain number of Neighbors to level up or purchase certain items needed to complete a goal. A great place to look for CityVille Neighbors is the CityVille page at Facebook found here - CityVille at Facebook Once at this page you can post a comment of "Add Me" then wait for people to send you friend invitations and invite them to be your CityVille Neighbor.
    • If you play Farmville, you may want to consider inviting your Farmville Neighbors to join you in CityVille.
    CityVille Walkthrough

     2. Game Elements/Settings

    • Here you will see the elements listed on the game screen. Each one is labeled and described in detail below.
    • A. Game Currency Indicators - Here you will see the 2 types of game currency Gold Coins and CityVille Bucks. You can also click here to purchase additional coins or CityVille bucks if you wish.
    • B. Energy Meter - This indicates how much energy you have at a given time. Place your cursor over this indicator to see what your maximum amount of energy is. (This increases by 1 every time you level up in the game) Energy also regenerates at a rate of 1 every 5 minutes (see "Energy" below for more information.)
    • C. Goods Indicator - This meter indicates the number of goods you have in storage. If you place your cursor over this meter it will show you the maximum amount of storage you have. This number varies based on the number of barns and silos you have purchased and placed in your City. (See "Goods" below for more details.)
    • D. Level/XP Indicators - The star shows your current level and the meter indicates how many XP (Experience Points) you currently have. When this meter fills up you level up. Clicking on the blue stars that come out of houses, crops and Businesses represent XP. (See "XP" below for more information.)
    • E. Current (incomplete) Goals - Here you will see your goal list. Click on any icon to see what you must do to complete this goal. Completing goals rewards you with XP, currency and other prizes.
    • F. Train Station - This is your City Train Station and clicking on the depot will allow you to buy or sell goods needed for restocking businesses with your Neighbors. (See "Train Station/Buying and Selling Goods" below for more information.)
    • G. Population Indicator - You must place your cursor over this area to see the statistics shown in the image above. This will tell you how many people live in your city and what the maximum is. You may need to purchase additional community buildings if you need more population to complete a goal or purchase an item. The Smiley face icon will change colors if the population is unhappy you may need to add more businesses and houses to your City.
    • H. Neighbor Menu - Here you will see a list of your Neighbors in order of their level from lowest to highest ending in the computer Tutorial friend "Samantha" at the very end of the list. Click on an icon then on "Visit" or "Gift" (See more about Visiting Neighbors and Sending Free Gifts Below)
    • I. Game Controls - Click on the top button to cause this to expand to the top as shown in image above. Here you can toggle game sound, music, zoom in and out, or change image quality. You can also make the game full screen from this menu.
    CityVille Walkthroughs

    • J. Game Tools - Here you will see all you need to control items in your City. The Arrow button on the left once clicked on will raise up as shown in the image above. Here you can move, rotate, or remove an item. Click on the command you want and then on the item you want to act upon. (See Moving,Rotating and Removing items below.)
    • K. Special Features - Click on the right icon to expand this menu list. Here you can access Collections, your inventory, and your Franchise Headquarter menus. (Read about all of these in detail below for more information.)

    3. CityVille Currency

    CityVille walk through
    • There are 2 types of currencies in CityVille.
    • Gold Coins - This is the basic currency of the game which is used for most transactions. You start out with 7,000 Gold Coins and whenever you see gold coins come out of a building or crop be sure to click on it to add it to your total.
    • CityVille Cash - This is the premium currency of the game and allows you to purchase higher end items, reduce wait times, hire community workers for your community buildings and purchase items that can only be gifted otherwise such as zoning permits.
    • You are given 5 CityVille Cash/Bucks when you start the game and will be awarded at least 1 each time you level up in the game. This amount could increase as you reach the higher levels of the game.
    • Be sure to watch the live feeds for Gold Coin Bonuses and gifts from Neighbors
    CityVille Mission

    4. How to purchase additional Currency

    • To purchase additional currency simply click on the "Add Coins and Cash" button located under the currency indicators at the top left of the screen.
    • You will be taken to a different screen where you can choose which type and denomination of currency you would like to purchase.
    • You can use your Paypal, Credit Card or Facebook Credits to purchase additional currency.

    5. XP (Experience Points)

    • XP - (Experience Points) Are points that you earn for playing the game and performing specific activities while logged in.
    • When you perform an activity such as harvest a crop, build a building, or help a Neighbor you will see coins, blue XP Stars, Energy lightning bolts and collection items pop out and as you click on them they will add to their assigned indicators. You should see the XP add to your total at the top right of the game screen near the level star.
    • Note the XP meter which fills up as you complete a level and starts over when you begin a new one.
    • TIP - Be sure to click on "Bonus XP" messages when you see them in the live feeds. They will help you level up much faster.

    6. Energy

    CityVille Walkthrough
    • Energy is critical as you will need it to build buildings, harvest crops, and work with your franchises as well as visiting your Neighbors and helping them.
    • A task will deduct 1 energy point each time you click on an item but each building varies on the number of energy points needed to complete it. Keep an eye on your energy meter at all times. It may take 2 to 10 clicks before a building is finished. Each time you do this you are also rewarded with coins, energy, collection items and XP Stars which you should click on when you see them.
    • The only task that does not deduct from your energy reserves is planting crops. Harvesting or pulling withered crops will cost 1 energy Point.
    • The energy meter is located at the top center of the game screen. (Lightning Bolt)
    • You will start the game with a maximum of 12 energy.
    • Energy points regenerate at a rate of 1 point every 5 minutes up to your Maximum.
    • As you level up the maximum amount of energy you can hold is increased by 1 each time you level up.
    • Batteries are energy! Gift Batteries to your Neighbors and encourage them to do the same for you.
    • If you are building business or houses around your City and you run out of energy you are at a standstill until you can get more. There are many ways to get more energy fast when you run out. (See below)
    • You may see a lightning bolt when you click on buildings. These represent actual energy points immediately credited to your account for use. (Very valuable) click on these immediately when you see them.
    • Be sure to post any energy bonuses on the live feeds so your Neighbors will do so as well.

    7. Population/Happiness Indicator

    • At the bottom left you will see the name of your City and a Smiley Face icon which may be happy or unhappy.
    • Place your cursor over this area and statistics will appear as shown in the image above.
    • Here you will see your current population and the maximum allowable population based on the number of houses and community buildings you have in place.
    • If the people are unhappy try adding more businesses and houses to your City until this meter shows your town is happy.
    CityVille walkthrough

    8. CityVille Goals

    CityVille walkthru
    • CityVille is centered around the goals it gives you to complete.
    • There will always be goals for you to work on which when completed unlock more fun things to do, rewards and more building Types.
    • Goals are located along the left side of the game screen and at least 3 at a time will always be in progress. Click on the goal icon to read more about it such as what is needed and your progress on that specific goal.
    • Each person's game will be a little different depending on how fast they complete certain goals.
    • It is not known at this time how many goals are in the game but there is never a time without goals and it is expected more will be added frequently.
    • Rewards are given when a goal is completed and you can post a live feed message that will allow your Neighbors to have a bonus of either XP, energy, or Coins.
    NOTE - If you are willing to pay real currency you can speed up completion of goals. There is usually always an option to purchase completed items to help you finish your goals.
    TIP - There are useful hints written at the bottom of every goal menu. These are quite helpful and it is in your best interest to follow these hints at all times.

    9. Purchasing Items

    Walkthrough for City Ville
    • To Purchase businesses, decorations, houses, community buildings and more click on the "Build" button at the bottom right of the game screen.
    • This will open the game store. Along the top you will see all of the categories you can purchase from.
    • Click on the Category then the item you wish to purchase.
    • Note that some items can be purchased with coins and some with CityVille Bucks.
    • Some items need to be unlocked by reaching certain levels, completing certain goals, or having a certain number of Neighbors.
    • Once you click on the item you will be taken back to your City where you can place the item. (See Building and Placing items below)

    10. Building and placing properties on your Land/Growing your Population

    CityVille help
    CityVille faq
    • Houses allow you to grow the population in your City.
    • Click on the "Build" button at the bottom right of your game screen.
    • Click on the "Houses" button at the top left category area.
    • Choose the house you wish to place by clicking on it.
    • NOTE - Each house will earn taxes you can collect at certain intervals. The first house you will build in the tutorial earns you coins every 5 minutes.
    • IMPORTANT - Each house MUST be placed next to a road so that the moving van can drive to it.
    • You will need to click on the construction site at least 2 times (more with more expensive houses) and each time the house will release coins, XP stars, or lightning bolts for 1 free energy point.
    • Click on the house until it is complete and a moving van will drive up and let people out into your City.
    • TIP - Arrange your houses so that you can place several of them in a row with streets between them.
    • Keep placing houses until you are told you need to build a community building which at first will be City Hall. Once you place a community Building and hire workers to complete it then more population can be added to your City. 

    by http://www.scolexportal.info/2011/01/cityville-walkthrough-basic-to-advance.html

    Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

    TradeStation Software - Multiple Time Frame Price Action - Provides Powerful Reversal Trade Set-Ups

    TradeStation Software

    tradestation software

    Multiple Time Frame Price Action - Provides powerful reversal trade set-ups that are high probability and low stop loss risk entries.

    Can you make use of a method to make large reward to risk trade entries?

    You can using our TradeStation Software.

    Multiple Time Frame Price Action - Provides Powerful Reversal Trade Set-Ups 

    TradeStation Software

    TradeStation Software - MTF Reversal
    The Multiple Time Frame Price Action Indicator is the key to powerful reversal trade set-ups. These trades have a high reward probability while using a low stop-loss risk. You may have heard you cannot pick market tops and bottoms. If you are trying to pick market tops and bottoms by looking at a one single timeframe chart this would be true. But if you are using the Multiple Time Frame (MTF) Price Action Indicator you can find and make these powerful reversal trades.

    The secret to knowing when these market tops and bottoms happen is shown in the interaction of the 8 different price action lines. Let's assume you are trading on a 5 minute chart. When the 5 minute price line is a large distance above the daily price line the odds are high that the upward price movement is over. It's a high probability that a powerful downward reversal trade will happen next.

    The same thing is true when the 5 minute price line is a large distance below the daily price line. Now the odds are high that the downward price movement is over. It's a high probability that a powerful upward reversal trade will happen next.

    The interaction between the 8 time frame price lines is the primary confirmation signal that validates these reversal patterns. When the upward price movement is over and you begin to see the 5 minute price line crossing below the 15 minute line, and then the 20 minute line, etc., that signals the breakdown of the upward trend. It's important to understand that it's the interplay of these different time lines that stacks the odds in your favor.

    The secondary confirmation signal for these reversal trades comes from the Time Segmented Volume Indicator. Trading volume is like the gas pedal on a car. It takes gas to accelerate a car and it takes trading volume to accelerate price movement. When the 5 minute price line is a great distance above thedaily price line, plus the time segmented volume shows a lack of buying volume necessary to push the upward price movement, this is when you have a high probability for a powerful downward reversal trade.

    So what causes these reversal opportunities and why is the MTF reversal opportunity so powerful? Price movement in the market is caused by supply and demand. When the distance from the 5 minute price line down to thedaily price line is extreme, and the volume shifts from buying volume to selling volume as sellers are making a reversion to the mean type trade, you'll get these great reversal opportunities. The root cause is the amount of buying volume vs. selling volume. Volume is the accelerator that drives price movement.

    The MTF Price Action Indicator and Time Segmented Volume Indicator give traders the "edge" to know when these market tops and bottoms are high probability reversal trades. Add in some technical skill in reading chart patterns like double bottoms, head and shoulder patterns, etc. and you can trade these powerful reversal trade set-ups with confidence. Using this MTF approach is counter trend trading at its finest.

    tradestation software

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